
Shrines are usally maze type places, with at the end a block that upon touching adds to your statpoints. All these shrines require 21 Read to use the block, so get that first. Shrines are also fairly hard for new players, so don't be afraid to ask people to help you. You most likely can't survive the regular shrines on your own untill you are level 18+, let alone the more dangerous ones. The most dangerous Shrines are those of Jeloc/Velanthra, but they have their own section.

Regular Shrines

Strenght Shrine
Located near t7 DS, Can also be brought into close proximity from Agi Shrine by hopping in the lower left stone.
Farily easy dungeon. Enter in gas between the poles you'll enter the shrine. Go right and when you come at a 4-way go up and follow the way. There is a gas-maze there. Just gas around untill you find a spot that is open to come into a hall. This hall contains two bosses (Twins) but you can ignore them. Follow the wall to the left and go trough the wall at the 3rd torch. Go up and once again trough the wall to come near lava. Go all the way to the topright and trans all the way up (into the dark). At the new place go topleft and once again trans all the way up. Go left and enter to come at the adepts. Just go below and you have gained +1 Strenght.

Agility Shrine
Agi Shrine is located near Secern. It has 5 stones, each of which take you to a different location. Lowerleft being Strenght and the middle being Agi Shrine. So hop in the middle one. You'll come into a dungeon. Just gas and trans  below (if you can't trans you can find a way around it by walking) at a wall just right of the entrace. Go right a bit and then down. You should be able to go trough a wall somewhere where you will see a crystal. Go into the spot it is protecting (if you are worried about getting hit trans in the middle) to come at the Adepts. Just go up, gas over the pit and you will have gained +1 Agility.

Constitution Shrine
Cons Shrine is located in the East Dungeon (right of T2). It is past thoran. One of the blocks there has a weird shaped hole in it (somewhere near the top). Trans in it and you will come into a place with adepts. Just follow the way. Gas over the first 2 holes, trans over the 3rd and continue the path. If you keep continueing you will eventually come near a crystal. You can make a skellie/fire ball to take the attention away for a second but the crystal doesnt hut that much anyway. Go down and you will come at a place with lots of adepts, and in the middle of it is the block. Touch and it you will have gained +1 Constitution.

Wisdom Shrine
Wisdom Shrine is located at t1 wizzies. It only opens at stroke of midnight. To open it put a skellie on the place (should be obvious) and when it becomes midnight the gate opens. Hop in and you will be at Wis Shrine. This place should be fairly straightforward. The only tricky part here is that you have to trans 1x all the way down when you hit a dead-end (beginning of dungeon). Continue the path to the right and take the first turn and go up. Gas trough the pillars and follow the way. When done with the pillars go below and you will enter a hall filled with monsters. Go all the way down and left to come up at the stairs. These will lead to the adepts and eventually the block itself. Touch it and you will have gained +1 Wisdom.

Intelligence Shrine
Int Shrine is located on an island a bit east of Agi Shrine. As with Wis Shrine, this one will only open at stroke of midnight so use the same trick. Int Shrine is pretty straightforward, but its the most dangerous one too as it will have 3 Crystals in a place. If you had trouble with the one at Cons you will surely die here. Ask someone to come along to heal you ur use the cointrick (crystals dont fire at certain spots). After the crystals go left and between the poles to enter the adept place. Once again go all the way down till you hit the block. Upon touching it you will have gained +1 Intelligence

Great Hall

Great hall is located in DS. Ask someone to take you as it is a fairly hard place. Bring white potions to enter (do shon tree leaf quest to get some) as well as plenty of lsas. At first you will have to fight some HK's before entering it, and you will also see a small square. Stand upon the square and use the white to enter GH. GH is basically continually going east, going trough several walls. At the end of GH is also a boss called Deesis, as well as several monsters seen earlier in GH (Warriors/Guardians). But where the boss is is also the block you need. Touching the block will go you +2 to all Stats.

Star Shrines

Star shrines are not like the other shrines. They don't add statpoints upon completing them. They also require 23 read instead of 21. What they do however is give you a new spell (Star) that upon casting it multiplies the effect of the coming spell.
1 star = 1.5x dmg
2 star = 2.5x dmg
3 star = 3.5x dmg? (when combined with invis will give you absolute invisibiltiy)
Do note upon casting star 3 times you will break it. Also not all spells will have effect, its best to test them out first (use skellies to determine if a spell worked or not, simply star, use spell, then make skellie. If skellie is higher level then normal, star didnt work on the spell)
Both shrines are located in DS.

Easy Star
Easy star is the easiest of the two as the name suggests. Simply go up till the hell hounds. Flip the switch and wall will open. Go right trough the walls to flip another switch and same to the left. The 2nd wall will open. Gas top right trough the wall onto the calvaria pit. Gas all the way up and you will come up at adepts. The hard part here is the Warrior though. Skelliewall or gas/stop/cast over the pit to deal with him if you cant one on one him. The star is located to the left behind a wall.

Hard Star
Coming up